Rug Green Cleaning and Deodorization

No Job is Too Big or Too Small to Handle

Regardless of whether you’re a pet owner, it’s not uncommon to have strange and sometimes unfortunate odors emanate from your rugs at the worst possible time. Whether you’re talking about odors that are derived from urine or other sources, it can really spoil the experience.

But that’s okay, because at Power Pup Clean, our innovative rug deodorization services are here to help. We use a specially formulated detergent that is applied in a way that offers the deepest clean possible, all while allowing us to exceed your expectations along the way.

The Power of Rug Deodorization

At Power Pup Clean, our specialized rug cleaning process is perfect for removing odors caused by a myriad of different sources, including pets.

Take urine odors, for example. Your cherished rug will be submerged in a special type of enzyme bath that breaks down the source of the odor. It will then be cleaned front and back, returning it to its original glory. All problem areas will be given special attention and will be treated by hand, taking absolutely nothing for granted at any point in this process.

Power Pup Clean: Your Partner in Rug Deodorization

So whenever you’re dealing with a odor problem with your rug, whether it’s caused by one of your furry little friends or if it comes from another source, don’t worry – we’re here to help. Our rug deodorization services are available individually or as part of our robust cleaning process for an additional charge. The choice is yours to make, and we’ll always help make sure that you’re selecting the right one given the circumstances. 

If you’re interested in finding out more information about our various rug deodorization processes and procedures, or if you have any additional questions you’d like to go over with someone in a bit more detail, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at Power Pup Clean today. To get the process started, call 206-931-8758 to schedule your next appointment. 

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